PHD Chamber of Commerce & Industry

PHD Chamber of Commerce and Industry (PHDCCI), a National Apex Chamber, established in 1905, has been relentlessly working for the socio-economic development of India and for promotion of Indian industry, trade and entrepreneurship across the globe.

PHDCCI has been an active participant in the India Growth Story through its Advocacy Role with Government of India and State Governments. With local roots and global reach, the PHD Chamber of Commerce and Industry (PHDCCI) helps businesses of all sizes connect, succeed, and expand.

Collectively, PHDCCI represents over 1,50,000 businesses of varying sizes that employ over ten million people all across India. We also have a robust international network consisting of over one hundred chambers of commerce and business groups located on every continent.

Together with policymakers, we drive change from the bottom up and assist businesses of all sizes in achieving more. We assist businesses in establishing relationships on all levels. We are the industry’s trusted voice. We also give our member companies a respected voice, ensuring their concerns and priorities are heard in the halls of power.

PHDCCI is a single platform that provides-